Therapy for Depression
Overcome Depression
It’s hard to wake up every morning knowing you’re going to be exhausted right away.
You’re not sure where things went wrong, but you’re pretty sure you’re to blame.
Nothing is fun anymore, so what’s the point in doing anything?
All the time, you just feel shame. And guilt.
What’s the point in living?
If you identify with any of those statements, there’s a good chance you’re struggling with depression. The truth is, you’re not alone. 10 to 15 million Americans are going through the same thing you are at this very moment.
Get Started
Symptoms of Depression
⮊ Loss of interest or pleasure in doing things
⮊ Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless
⮊ Difficulty sleeping
⮊ Feeling exhausted and having little energy
⮊ Changes to appetite (eating too much, or too little)
⮊ Feeling bad about yourself
⮊ Difficulty concentrating on things, like reading or watching TV
⮊ Moving or talking more slowly than normal so that people have noticed
⮊ Being overly fidgety
⮊ Having thoughts that you would be better off dead, or that you should hurt yourself
There is Hope
People coping with depression often benefit from individual therapy. We know that depression often starts with negative thoughts, whether you notice them or not right now. Those thoughts then affect your mood and your actions.
It ends up being a recurring cycle that spirals out of control to the point of constant negative thoughts and stopping activities that you used to enjoy.
Through a combination of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), the gold standard treatments of depression, we help you to break that cycle.
We begin by helping you to notice your thoughts. Often times, just being aware that you are having thoughts that aren’t necessarily true can help you to feel better. Once you are aware of those thoughts, you can choose how to react to them.
Another important part of our work is helping you to remember the activities that you used to enjoy, and find ways to work them back into your life. The truth is that your brain is lying to you right now. And when it tells you, “you’ll hate it,” you’ll actually probably enjoy it more than you expect.
These small changes can begin a positive spiral that provides hope. Hope that you won’t always feel this way. And hope that the real you still exists!
Depression is NOT a life sentence!
We want to help you:
Laugh with your family
Feel energetic
Enjoy getting out of the house and doing your hobbies
Say yes instead of no
Improve relationships damaged by the burden of depression
You don’t need to stay stuck in the muck. Reach out today and let’s get started.
Life Coaching
Life Coaching can be one of the keys to a happier, healthier life. My job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling life. After several Life Coaching sessions, you will become well-versed at handling issues whenever and wherever they arise. Call now to schedule a session.
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Our center is accepting of people from every gender, orientation, and identity specializing in the LGBTQ community
Empathy counseling understands how difficult it can be to come to a face to face session if things are not going the way we planned.